The WLA interview series highlights various guests, diving into the ways they make time for playful exploration. What quotes do they live by? What brings them joy? These brief interviews seek to celebrate their unique perspectives, learn from their inspirations, and uncover a glimpse of their everyday world through the planners they use.
Raised in the rural outskirts of Toronto, Elisa Nguyen is a journalist and editor known for her warm, authentic, and thoughtful approach to storytelling. This year, she was published in a book titled What Happened: Mississauga Histories, a collection of historical features used as a teaching resource at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where she studied Psychology and Professional Writing and Communication. Her Fountain Valley newsletter was inspired by the quote “write where it’s warm”—the idea of writing for play when you don’t know where to start. There, she welcomes readers to walk with her as she explores who she is as a writer and woman.
How do you make time for playful exploration and what habits help you tap into your imagination?
Creativity is something I experience fluidly rather than something switched on and off. I make time for playful exploration in every passing moment, and keep a small notebook with me everywhere I go to jot down things that inspire me throughout the day. Although my creativity is most often fed through deep conversations, songs, movies, and books—my imagination is fuelled through solitude, in the quiet moments when I pray, daydream and think freely.
What’s your favourite way to use a planner?
As someone who loses track of time and forgets things easily, I use a planner to track tasks for the days and weeks ahead. It helps me stay on target with my goals and responsibilities.
What activities nourish your soul and give you joy?
Pilates, scrapbooking and journalling, playing guitar in a band, photography, travel, shopping, reading, and trying new things with friends. I love having a diverse range of activities to look forward to each month, especially ones that tap into my creativity, self-exploration, and curiosities. Life is short and the world is big.
Do you have any quotes you live by?
“Live in the now” has been stuck in my mind ever since I heard it. The brevity of life is something I’ve pondered ever since I was a little girl. I trust that God’s got me and I want to make the most of each day.
I also like Bob Goff’s quote, “the world doesn’t need more advice, it needs more examples.” It reminds me to focus on being my best self rather than telling others how to live theirs. To show up with presence and authenticity to the people around me.
What’s one thing on your life bucket list?
Fall in love, stay in love, and build a beautiful life in the country-side or near the beach!